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Research-Analysis of a Warner Music Artist

Lizzo is the perfect artist to compare to Cynthia Rose as she is well renowned for being a passionate feminist, much like my artist. She will often encourage young girls through her music and social platforms to love their bodies, and that they can do anything a man can do. This is reflected in her website, which pictures Lizzo, proudly embracing her body and inner beauty as she sits naked in a baby like position, resembling the child on cover of B.I.Gs album ready to die.

The black background looks sleek, modern and professional as it makes the images stand out. We are shown a retro inspired music video 'Cuz I love you' alongside 80s cartoon images called 'LIZZIEMOJIS'.

The music video is in a sophisticated black and white colour, while the sets, hair and makeup and costumes all reflect a traditional Jazz and R&B theme. Lizzos music often reflects element of Jazz, Pop, R&B and Hip-Hop.

The website is advertising the one year anniversary of the 'Cuz I love you' album, which is also the name of the song and music video shown on the website. Both the video and website are very dramatic, dark and sophisticated, using lighting and colours to outline Lizzo as an artist and bring attention to her.

As an inspiring modern feminist Lizzo will have great influence on my work. Her retro inspired music video aligns perfectly with the type of video I want to produce and her views are similar to that of of my artist, Cynthia Rose, who is a feminist and activist.


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